Monday, February 2, 2009

Our Honeymoon

Sheila and I enjoyed an absolutely marvelous honeymoon at Swedish Medical Center in Seattle today! We arrived at 11AM right on time, signed some paperwork and settled in for a therapeutic forearm massage prior to her IV injection. It looked great, but I passed and I'm glad I did. I like a rough massage as much as the next guy but the thumping and the alcohol swabs? No thank you!

Sheila decided to spend some time away from me with her good friend Patty who performed a very needed body cleanse that should really prep Sheila for a long fruitful life of wedded bliss. Again, I passed. I opted for sitting in the waiting room/lobby with our good friend Shannon to ponder life, reflect on the beauty and myriad shades of Seattle grey and watch the clock. Tick tock! Tick tock!

By 3:30, Sheila and Patty were complete and my dearest spent some time in one of Seattle's finest recovery rooms (4 star by most accounts). I think this is much like the post massage chill room where they serve tea and you doodle in the Japanese rock garden, but in this case there was no tea, nor a rock garden...and she was pretty stoned on anesthesia.

By 5:30 we were back together again in the honeymoon suite (I'm so excited!) but Sheila was a bit tired from laying around all day and decided to sleep some more. Shannon stuck around until about 9:30 PM helping me with the arduous job of watching Sheila breath and scratch her nose once in awhile. Who needs a white sand beach with action like that? It was simply breathtaking.

As I watched her in action I thought about how much I love her and how happy I was that the surgery went so well. The continuation of a long life together has never seemed like such a wonderful gift as at that very moment. I appreciate her so much, her strength, life, laugh and even the way she leaves the kitchen cabinet doors open all the time to keep me on my toes. Just at that moment when my heart was reaching out to her, I really felt the connection. I was so sure she knew exactly what I was thinking, that in some way we really were one. She then opened her eyes, looked me right in my general direction through a slight haze and said, "ice chips".

We are "so" on the same wavelength it's scary sometimes.

Anyway, to celebrate our honeymoon I had pan-seared salmon with brown rice, a Caesar salad and green tea. After another round of ice chips for an appetizer, Sheila ordered and thoroughly enjoyed the Crackers D' Saltine (she even had seconds), and an exquisite glass of clear water. Our compliments to the chef!

After dining she was strong enough to take a long walk to the other side of the room! She's been talkative, happy, in very little pain and alert enough to yell "CHANGE THE CHANNEL" when we channel-landed on the end of The Bachelor. We'll wait to see that episode when we get home.

Not the most generic of Honeymoons for sure but one to remember. But consider this for a moment, how many couples have their honeymoon suite covered by insurance?

Thank you all again for the support and well wishes today. It's been a powerful experience. One that we hope we never have to repay but will do so willingly should the time arise.